Wednesday, November 9, 2011

MY THOUGHTS: The Hunger Games Trailer to debut in theaters before Breaking Dawn?

So I logged on to TheHob.Org earlier, to see this:



Holy shit thats a lot of notes hahaha

Now of course it looks authentic, but panda bears also look cute, before they slice your face open. Of course this could be real, but of course this could not be real. Make sense? Anyone could go onto any photo editing program, whip this puppy up and take a picture of it.

But believe me, I HOPE IT'S REAL! I'm not a big one, but I am a fan of Twilight and will be seeing Breaking Dawn Part 1. Sounds perfect right? Seeing the first part of the last movie, AND seeing The Hunger Games trailer? Everyone's happy.

The problem is, I wasn't planning on seeing this movie the first day it opened. Well, when/if Lionsgate confirms the trailer before Breaking Dawn, you better believe I'll be at the VERY crowded midnight premiere.

What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments, tweet me (@jake_vineyard), or email us! (

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